How To Get Rid Of Wrinkles

woman-1049070_1920One of the most obvious signs of aging is the development of wrinkles and saggy skin. Facial skin has a hard time maintaining its health and elasticity due to multiple factors including less use of facial muscles, poor nutrition, dehydration, stress, excessive makeup use, poor circulation, smoking, alcohol, and several other things. While there are tons of skin products on the market, what many people don’t understand is that our skin is a product of nutrition – therefore, it must be supported via diet and nutrient replenishment.

Evidence-Based Remedies

Firstly, it is important to correct the habits, diet, and lifestyle that is contributing the skin aging. Avoid alcohol, smoking, marijuana, excessive makeup, junk food, fizzy drinks, candy, refined flour, refined sugar, staying up late, and stress.

Facial exercises

Muscle tone is directly linked to skin health. Facial exercises tone up the facial muscles and give the skin a more supportive foundation. By exercising the facial muscles with resistance training, micro-tears occur which are then filled with new tissue resulting in more fuller features. Healthy muscles are able to offer better support to the skin attached to it as well as a fuller shape.

In a clinical trial, the practice of facial resistance exercises resulted in improved upper cheek fullness and lower cheek fullness (see study).

A wide range of exercises can be found on Youtube that tone up the majority of the facial muscles and can even help you develop features that you may not already have (eg. The appearance of high cheekbones). These exercises are commonly used by models to maintain, and in some cases, enhance their features.

Try to exercise your facial muscles 3-4 times a week. It literally only takes about 15-30 minutes to do a complete facial workout.

Topical Applications

1. Oil

Once your skin has that muscle support, nourish it by applying oils like coconut oil, sesame oil or almond oil. Make sure to massage the oil into the facial muscles. These oils are absorbed into the skin and counteract the “drying out” that is caused by makeup and wind. In a clinical trial, coconut oil was able to significantly improve skin moisture and reduce dryness (see study). In my clinical experience, I have noticed that moisturizing lotions do not work as effectively and can result in patients becoming dependent on them.

2. Moringa

Moringa is one of the most nutrient dense foods on earth. Our bodies are products of the nutrients we consume. This applies externally as well since our skin is able to absorb many substances that it comes into contact with. Moringa can play a role in reducing wrinkles by providing several crucial nutrients including Vitamin B2, Vitamin C, Iron, Protein, and Vitamin A as well as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds – these are discussed in the next section. In a clinical trial, the application of a Moringa-based cream resulted in improved skin texture, smoothness, volume, and wrinkles (see study).


– Protein builds the facial muscles and becomes collagen.
– Vitamin E assists in protecting the skin from damage.
– Fats produce the skin’s oil barrier and give proper hydration.
– Vitamin A stimulates fibroblasts which keep the skin firm.
– Vitamin B2 plays a vital role in mucus secretion within the skin.
– Vitamin B6 helps to synthesize collagen.
– Vitamin C is crucial for protein absorption and the synthesis of collagen. It also protects against and treats ultraviolet-induced photo-damage.
– Copper is needed for collagen production.

Foods that provide these nutrients are:

– Avocado
– Moringa
– Salmon
– Kale
– Pomegranates
– Amla
– Sunflower seeds
– Eggs
– Almonds
– Pure Butter or Ghee
– Grapes
– Green Leafy Veggies
– Coconut Oil
– Blueberries
– Strawberries
– Peas
– Broccoli
– Spinach
– Dark Chocolate
– Beef Liver

Collagen Supplements

In my experience, Collagen protein supplements have worked exceptionally in providing nourishment to the skin, connective tissues and muscles. In clinical studies, collagen supplementation has been found to be effective in improving the signs of skin aging (see study). While supplementation is effective, it is also important to support your body’s ability to form collagen by consuming high-quality proteins as well as foods rich in vitamin C, copper and antioxidants.


Water is the most important factor for health overall. When we become dehydrated, our skin suffers. Skin health is greatly dependent on adequate hydration. Remain hydrated always and consume fruits that assist hydration like:

-Coconut water

(Always use medicinal herbs under the supervision of a doctor)

To schedule a consultation with me, Click Here.

by Dr. Nishal R.
Copyright © 2016

2 thoughts on “How To Get Rid Of Wrinkles

  1. As you have stated above that one should take collagen supplements but,Does having supplements not interfere with the normal mechanism of the body,I have read it somewhere that having supplements can interefere with the normal mechanism of the body,as it takes extra energy to break them down.

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