How To Reduce Blood Viscosity – Natural Blood Thinners

When it comes to managing cardiovascular health, maintaining optimal blood viscosity is vital. Conventional medicine often turns to anticoagulants, or blood thinners, to prevent the formation of clots that can lead to serious conditions such as strokes or heart attacks. Unfortunately, these medications often come with a long list of side effects and adverse effects that can severely impact many individuals. However, there are several natural blood thinners that work very effectively without any major side effects.

In this article, I discuss several natural blood thinners such as Nattokinase, Amla, Garlic, and White Willow Bark and explain their potent anticoagulant properties.


Nattokinase is an enzyme, derived from a fermented Japanese dish known as “natto”, which is known for its potent fibrinolytic activity. Fibrin is a protein involved in clot formation, and nattokinase’s ability to dissolve it is similar to that of the body’s plasmin, making it a potential tool for reducing the risk of clotting.

Studies have shown that supplementation with Nattokinase can help with lowering blood pressure, enhancing circulation, and preventing venous thrombosis (see study).


Amla, or Indian gooseberry, is a fruit well-known for its numerous health benefits. Rich in Vitamin C and various other antioxidants, amla works by enhancing endothelial function, thereby improving blood vessel health and reducing the risk for blood clot formation.

Its bioactive compounds have been linked to a reduction in blood platelet aggregation, a common precursor to clots, and a decrease in blood lipid levels, which is a contributing factor to atherosclerosis.

In clinical research, Amla has been found to improve the symptoms of metabolic syndrome as well as to reduce cholesterol with similar efficacy to that of a common anti-cholesterol medication known as Simvastatin (see study).


Of all the natural blood thinners mentioned in this article, Garlic is probably one of the most popular. Garlic is well-known for its wide-range of benefits related to immune function as well as cardiovascular and metabolic health. Garlic is loaded with sulfur-containing compounds, such as allicin, which have been shown to have a natural blood-thinning effect.

Garlic enhances circulatory health by inhibiting platelet aggregation, reducing blood viscosity, and facilitating healthy blood flow. Its also been found to have blood pressure lowering effects making it useful for multiple aspects of cardiovascular health.

In clinical research, Garlic supplementation has been found to have a significant blood lipid lowering effect along with blood pressure lowering and platelet lowering effects (see study).

Garlic can be used by incorporating it into your daily diet, whether raw or lightly cooked. Just make sure to not over cook it as it may lose its medicinal properties. It can also be used as a supplement. I prefer the use of Aged Garlic Extract as I have seen the most impressive results with this type of supplement.

White Willow Bark

White willow bark contains salicin, a compound that the body converts into salicylic acid, similar to the active ingredient in aspirin. Historically, its been used for treating pain and inflammation, however, due to its Salicin content, its also possesses anticoagulant properties, making it a potentially useful remedy for preventing blood clots and keeping the blood thin.

However, it is important to keep in mind that the blood thinning effects of white willow are considered to be a potential side-effect and not a primary health benefit. The current clinical research has not been focused on its anticoagulant effects but rather its anti-inflammatory and pain-killing properties, hence there is not current clinical research to support the use of White Willow Bark for the purpose of blood thinning.

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(Always use medicinal herbs under the supervision of a doctor)

by Dr. Nishal R.
Copyright © 2024

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