Remedies for Vaginal Dryness (Evidence-Based)

The vaginal canal is lined with moist mucous membranes that secrete a nutrient-rich fluid to lubricate the vagina as well as create a suitable environment for the healthy bacteria that make up the vaginal microbiota. This environment helps create an environment that is alkaline enough to allow for sperm to travel up the vagina for the purpose of fertilzation but also moist enough to allow for comfortable sexual penetration without friction. When the vaginal fluid is reduced, a woman can experience vaginal dryness which can result in vaginal and pelvic discomfort. Typically, as a woman ages, the vaginal wall becomes thin and vaginal secretions lessen. This is generally associated with menopause, however, there are several other causes of vaginal dryness as well.… Read More Remedies for Vaginal Dryness (Evidence-Based)

Menopause Remedies (Evidence-Based)

Menopause is a transitional period in which women experience a reduction in estrogen levels which results in uncomfortable, and at many times, upsetting symptoms. Some of these symptoms are hot flashes, vaginal dryness, mood swings. fatigue, dryness of hair or hair loss, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Most pharmaceutical treatments involve the use of HRT (Hormone… Read More Menopause Remedies (Evidence-Based)

Painful Intercourse In Females – Natural Treatment

Dyspareunia is a troubling condition characterized by difficult or painful sexual intercourse. The pain is experienced in the genital area and may occur during intercourse, foreplay, or attempted intercourse. The pain may be mild in nature or severe, and may even change in severity with different positions. The pain may occur at any point during… Read More Painful Intercourse In Females – Natural Treatment