Boost Thyroid Function Fast


The fastest working Thyroid Booster is “Guggul” (aka Commiphora Mukul).

In Ayurveda, this herb has been used since 5000 B.C. to reduce fat, mucus, swelling and inflammation. It’s also used for pain, boils, skin disorders and a wide range of old-age related illnesses. (Note that I am talking about Guggul as a whole herb and not an extract of guggulesterones. Guggul must always be used as a whole herb, never an extract as it can be dangerous)

In recent times, this herb has been used to treat Hypothyroidism and based on the clinical findings of many Ayurvedic doctors, it works quite effectively. Research on Guggul has proven its efficacy in almost all Ayurvedic claims and is even being recommended by fitness “gurus” for weight loss. In fact, Dr. Richard B. Kreider (author of “Exercise and Sport Nutrition”) stated that guggulsterones (an ingredient in Guggul) have the ability to increase the output of the thyroid gland and stimulate the conversion of T4 (Thyroxin) hormone into T3 (which is more active).

Guggul works even more effectively when combined with Ashwagandha (withania somnifera). In fact, long term use of Ashwagandha leads to the development of the symptoms of Hyperthyroidism (the opposite of Hypothyroidism). Research and clinical studies aside, this fact alone is proof that Ashwagandha boosts the Thyroid.

In addition to these herbs, certain nutrients are needed to support the thyroid. Namely: Selenium, Zinc, Iodine and Vitamin E.

The easiest way to get all these nutrients is to simple eat:
Brazil Nuts
-Seafood or a kelp supplement.

Include these foods in your diet daily and consume Guggul and/or Ashwagandha.

This simple Formula, when taken under the supervision of a doctor, can give your Thyroid a massive boost. Make sure to avoid foods that hamper thyroid function like cruciferous vegetables, soy, etc. Stress also plays a huge role in hypothyroidism and must be either avoided or counteracted with stress relieving activities.

For more information, check out my article on Hypothyroidism Treatment

(Always use medicinal herbs under the supervision of a doctor)
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To schedule a consultation with me, Click Here.

by Dr. Nishal R.
Copyright © 2016

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