Health Benefits of Thyme – 6 Evidence-Based Medicinal Uses

Thyme is a popular herb belonging to the mint family (Lamiaceae). It is well known for both its culinary uses as well as its medicinal properties since ancient times. Historically, the health benefits of Thyme have been recognized by various civilizations for respiratory ailments, and digestive complaints, and even as an antiseptic. During the Middle… Read More Health Benefits of Thyme – 6 Evidence-Based Medicinal Uses

Herbs That Match Pharmaceutical Drug Efficacy

It is a known thing that drugs are becoming a part of daily life for a majority of the population. Unfortunately, many drugs are far too costly, while others have drastic side-effects, and some even cause other diseases. For example, too much Acetaminophen can cause liver damage, Statins can cause hormone issues, elevated blood sugar, and liver damage, anti-depressants can cause sexual dysfunction and personality changes. … Read More Herbs That Match Pharmaceutical Drug Efficacy

Reduce TPO Antibodies in Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

The presence of raised TPO antibodies is an indicator that a patient has an active case of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. These antibodies signal the immune system to attack the thyroid gland, resulting in inflammation and reduced function of the gland. Over time, this leads to the development of Hypothyroidism and a life-long need for medication to… Read More Reduce TPO Antibodies in Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Effective Herbal Antibiotics – Fight of Infections Naturally

Tulsi (Holy Basil) Commonly used for the flu, Tulsi is a potent antimicrobial and may assist the body in destroying harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Tulsi can be used long-term to strengthen the immune system. In one study tulsi demonstrated antimicrobial activity similar to that of doxycycline against A. actinomycetemcomitans – a common cause of… Read More Effective Herbal Antibiotics – Fight of Infections Naturally

Clinical Uses of Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

In my clinical experience, I have used Amla in several GIT related, metabolic, and immune system related conditions. Some include: – Diabetes – Rickets – Hyperacidity – Constipation – Hepatitis – Gout – Gastritis – Poor Immunity – HIV/AIDS – Anemia – Weakness – Hemorrhoids – Hyper-hydrosis (external application) – Premature greying of hair –… Read More Clinical Uses of Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

Trikatu: A Metabolism Boosting & Immune Modulating Formulation

Trikatu Trikatu is a popular Ayurvedic formulation which has been used for several-thousand years for the purpose of breaking down metabolic waste and improvement of metabolic/digestive function. It is comprised of three ingredients: – Long Pepper (Piper Longum) – Black Pepper (Piper Nigrum) – Ginger (Zingiber Officinalis) This formulation boosts digestive function by promoting gastric emptying,… Read More Trikatu: A Metabolism Boosting & Immune Modulating Formulation

Insulin – Natural Alternatives

Natural Insulin alternatives can be of great benefit to patients with diabetes, primarily for the lack of harmful side effects. Most pharmaceutical insulin medications have a long list of harmful side effects which are quite commonly experienced in patients taking these medications. Some side effects include: -Blurred Vision -Lipohypertrophy or Lipoatrophy -Hyperinsulinemia, which may then… Read More Insulin – Natural Alternatives

Ritalin Alternative: Natural ADHD treatment

With the recently publicized findings on methylphenidate (Ritalin) and its harmful cardiac effects in children, parents are searching for an alternate way of treating their children’s ADHD. Ritalin, though it is known for calming children with ADHD, occupies more of the neural transporters responsible for getting high, than cocaine. Long term, this causes unwanted and… Read More Ritalin Alternative: Natural ADHD treatment

Natural Medicine For Hypertension

Rauwolfia Serpentina. Also known as “Snake root” and “Sarpagandha”, this herb has been used in Ayurveda for hypertension, insomnia, hysteria and urticaria. Modern medicine has started using alkaloids extracted from this plant, specifically “reserpine” to effectively treat hypertension too. As I’ve said before, extracts tend to come with side effects, unlike whole herbs which are… Read More Natural Medicine For Hypertension

Detoxify Your Kidneys Quickly & Effectively

The Kidneys are the body’s filtration system. Basically the Kidneys filter the blood and throughout the day and removes waste from the body. They also regulate the balance of electrolytes and control the fluid balance within the body. When the body is constantly bombarded with large amounts of nephrotoxic (kidney harming) substances, the damage can… Read More Detoxify Your Kidneys Quickly & Effectively

Increase Dopamine Naturally With One Herb

Most people turn to drugs and alcohol when they want to relax and feel good. This is because drugs and alcohol increase Dopamine, a neuro-transmitter which is responsible for the pleasurable feeling experienced with these substances. The problem with these options is that they cause severe damage to multiple organs including the brain, liver and… Read More Increase Dopamine Naturally With One Herb