Effective Herbal Antibiotics – Fight of Infections Naturally

Tulsi (Holy Basil) Commonly used for the flu, Tulsi is a potent antimicrobial and may assist the body in destroying harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Tulsi can be used long-term to strengthen the immune system. In one study tulsi demonstrated antimicrobial activity similar to that of doxycycline against A. actinomycetemcomitans – a common cause of… Read More Effective Herbal Antibiotics – Fight of Infections Naturally

Trikatu: A Metabolism Boosting & Immune Modulating Formulation

Trikatu Trikatu is a popular Ayurvedic formulation which has been used for several-thousand years for the purpose of breaking down metabolic waste and improvement of metabolic/digestive function. It is comprised of three ingredients: – Long Pepper (Piper Longum) – Black Pepper (Piper Nigrum) – Ginger (Zingiber Officinalis) This formulation boosts digestive function by promoting gastric emptying,… Read More Trikatu: A Metabolism Boosting & Immune Modulating Formulation

Licorice Root Heals Peptic Ulcers

Licorice root has been used for treating ulcers, inflammatory skin conditions, low body weight, hepatitis, acidity, laryngitis, SARS, bronchitis, and many other conditions, for many years. In fact, there are references to licorice root in ancient Ayurvedic texts, dating back to 3000 B.C. According to multiple studies, the key chemical constituent “glycyrrhizin” has shown promising… Read More Licorice Root Heals Peptic Ulcers

Detoxify Your Kidneys Quickly & Effectively

The Kidneys are the body’s filtration system. Basically the Kidneys filter the blood and throughout the day and removes waste from the body. They also regulate the balance of electrolytes and control the fluid balance within the body. When the body is constantly bombarded with large amounts of nephrotoxic (kidney harming) substances, the damage can… Read More Detoxify Your Kidneys Quickly & Effectively

Increase Dopamine Naturally With One Herb

Most people turn to drugs and alcohol when they want to relax and feel good. This is because drugs and alcohol increase Dopamine, a neuro-transmitter which is responsible for the pleasurable feeling experienced with these substances. The problem with these options is that they cause severe damage to multiple organs including the brain, liver and… Read More Increase Dopamine Naturally With One Herb

Fight Off Infections Easily With Ayurvedic Medicine

When it comes to infections, the solution is to reduce the infection’s ability to thrive by making the environment non-conducive and improve the bodies defenses. According to Ayurveda, the first thing to be done is fasting. Fasting allows the bodies own metabolism to burn up whatever toxic waste is remaining within the body, improve the function… Read More Fight Off Infections Easily With Ayurvedic Medicine

Scanty, Absent, or Suppressed Menstruation and Its Natural Treatment

Scanty menstruation is called Hypomenorrhea and in some cases may be considered as Amenorrhea. This condition can be caused by several factors, some physiological, some pathological and some psychological. Physiologically speaking, it can occur during the extremes of reproductive life (immediately after puberty or just before menopause. Pathologically, there are many potential causes, such as: Being… Read More Scanty, Absent, or Suppressed Menstruation and Its Natural Treatment

Natural Relief for Food Poisoning, Vomiting And Upset Tummy

During my studies in India (which lasted 6 years) I experienced food poisoning, vomiting, upset tummy, and many other digestive problems innumerable times. It was quite an inconvenience as it would happen all the time and at the worst possible moments. The last thing anyone needs while in medical school is to be constantly sick.… Read More Natural Relief for Food Poisoning, Vomiting And Upset Tummy